Re: International Lighting Review (ISSN 0020-7853) Bissonnette, Sylvie 04 Apr 2007 17:41 UTC


Our last issue before cancellation is no. 50, 2002.

Sylvie Bissonnette
Catalogueuse / Cataloguer
Conseil national de recherches Canada / National Research Council

-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
[mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU]On Behalf Of Ken Siegert
Sent: 04/04/2007 12:55 PM
Subject: [SERIALST] International Lighting Review (ISSN 0020-7853)


Does anyone have any information on the title, International Lighting
Review (ISSN 0020-7853)?  We had subscribed to the title directly
from Stichting Prometheus, and was a publication from Phillips
Lighting.  We haven't received anything since the 2nd issue of 1998
(received in 2000).

Several years ago I attempted to contact someone, and didn't get very
far.  I was told that the title was ceased as of 1998, and I see that
the OCLC record is still open (OCLC # 1753626).  The German language
publication shows a ceased date of 2003.

Any ideas??



Ken Siegert
Acquisitions Assistant
Electronic Resources & Periodicals / U.S. Documents
Shadek-Fackenthal Library
Franklin & Marshall College
P.O. Box 3003
Lancaster, PA  17604-3003

Phone -     (717) 291-4219
Fax -     (717) 291-4160