Bullseye: Hitting Technical Services’ Targe t Audiences Deberah England 17 Apr 2007 16:00 UTC

Academic Library Association of Ohio – Technical Services Interest Group
Presents the 2007 Annual Spring Meeting

Bullseye: Hitting Technical Services’ Target Audiences

Friday, May 4, 2007
9:30 am to 4:00 pm
Burton Morgan Building
Denison University, Granville OH


    * CAROL PITTS DIEDRICHS, Dean of Libraries, University of Kentucky


    * ROGER DURBIN, Associate Dean, Head of Collection Management, The
      University of Akron
    * JULIE GAMMON, Marketing Manager, The University of Akron Press,
      and Head of Acquisitions, The University of Akron
    * TRISHA DAVIS, Head of Serials/Electronic Resources, The Ohio State

Technical services librarians need to know how to advocate for their
departments in today’s turbulent times. We must also market our special
skills and the value of our work to our deans, directors, faculty and
public services teams. Come hear how others have hit the bullseye
through marketing and advocacy. Experience how it feels to target your
specific situation by creating detailed marketing plans.

For directions see:  http://www.denison.edu/areainfo/gethere.html

 For campus information see:  http://www.denison.edu/campus/

 Questions?  Contact: deberah.england@wright.edu
<mailto:deberah.england@wright.edu>  or mbmaurer@kent.edu

 Tentative Schedule:

9:00-9:30           Registration
9:30-10:45         Keynote, Carol Pitts Diedrichs
10:45-11:00       Break
11:00-12:00       Roger Durbin on University of Akron’s marketing
communications plan
Noon -1:15        Lunch
1:15-2:45           Julie Gammon on marketing plans, followed by
breakout sessions
                        facilitated by Julie, Roger, and Trisha Davis
2:45-3:00           Break
3:00-4:00           Wrap-up, Carol Pitts Diedrichs

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TSIG Spring Meeting 2007 Registration Form

Please complete this form and return it with your payment to the address
below before April 20, 2007:

Academic Library Association of Ohio
c/o Rita Johnson
Coordinator, Acquisitions Unit
Wright State University Libraries
3640 Col. Glenn Hwy.
Dayton, OH 45435-0001

Registration rates include parking, morning pastries & beverages, buffet
lunch, and afternoon refreshments.
$40.00              ALAO members and non-members
$25.00              Students

Make checks payable to:  Academic Library Association of Ohio

Name ________________________________________________________________

Institution ____________________________________________________________

Address ______________________________________________________________

Phone _____________________   E-mail ___________________________________

Amount enclosed _______________

Deberah England
Electronic Resources Librarian
Wright State University Libraries
3640 Col. Glenn Hwy.
Dayton, OH 45435-0001
Phone: (937) 775-2224
Fax:  (937) 775-2481
Email:  deberah.england@wright.edu

“The task ahead of us is never as great as the power behind us.”
Marigold IceUnity’s 2005/06 motto from original text by Audre Lorde (1934-1992) http://marigold.fi/