British Dental Journal 'Innovation' John Lucas 24 Apr 2007 16:43 UTC

Hello all,

Sometime in the last 2 months, I received some information about
British Dental Journal (BDJ) from Nature Publishing. I looks like an
E-mail but I cannot locate anything in my files.

= = =
BDJ (British Dental Journal) one of the world*s leading dental
journals, has launched exciting and
significant innovations in the content and balance of the journal. This
makes now a better time than
ever to start a site license to BDJ.

BDJ*s research papers will now be published in full in an online
format only. In place of the full
research paper, each bi-weekly print issue will contain enhanced
summaries of two or three
research papers. The full-length article will be available to site
license users
= = =

I looked into this and appears to be correct, although I could not find
this information stated anywhere on the journal web site.

What an Innovation !

Anyone for cancellation?

With Best regards,

John Lucas

Serials Librarian
University of Mississippi Medical Center
2500 North State St
Jackson, MS 39216-4505

(PH) (601) 984-1277
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