LRTS - one might expect better Holzapfel, Arabella 25 Apr 2007 17:37 UTC

	Greetings serialst-ers,

	A couple of weeks ago we received an issue which has an outside cover and contents that can only be described as vol. 1, no. 1 of Library resources and technical services (LRTS), dated Winter '57.  On the inside front cover is an editorial by Peggy Johnson - the first sentence reads "The Association for Libraries Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS) will celebrate its fiftieth anniversary in 2007."  She then goes on to describe a bit of the publishing history of ALCTS.  The second paragraph begins "The first two volumes of LRTS address topics eerily familiar fifty years later."  She describes some of those eery similarities, then concludes by recognizing the work of previous editors of LRTS.  The inside back cover features a list of ALCTS/RTSD past presidents.

	There are only two indications of a contemporary publishing date - appearing on the line after the editor's name is this designation:
	LRTS 50(3), July 2006;
	and on the back cover it states copyright 2007 American Library Association.

	A reasonable person can conjecture that this is a special printing of v.1, no.1 in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of this publication - the organ of an Association dedicated to the pursuit of accuracy, standardization, and rigor.  Based on the information provided on the issue, one would be tempted to check it in as v.50, no.3, with a cover date of July 2006.  Alas, that cannot be done on our system because we received that issue July 11, 2006.  Since we have subsequently received v.51, no.1 (dated January 2007) on January 19th of this year, and v.51, no.2 (dated April 2007) on April 10, 2007, I can see at least two possibilities.  One is that this is a part of the regular LRTS publication schedule, and should be v.51, no.3 of July 2007.  The fact that there is such a designation on the issue, albeit quite cryptic and off by a year, lends support to this possibility.  However, since the previous publication schedule adheres so closely to the cover dates, one wonders if this is a special issue or supplement.  And, if so, will this be the only one, or will each issue of the first two volumes that "address topics eerily familiar fifty years later" be forthcoming?  If anyone out there can offer explicit guidance regarding how to check this issue in, I would be grateful.  Meanwhile, can we nominate this for the "Snake in the Grass" award?

	Best wishes,

Arabella Holzapfel
Middlebury College Library
Serials Dept.
110 Storrs Ave.
Middlebury, VT  05753