Re: Establishing a serials info resource for staff Barbara Pope 10 Jul 2007 19:45 UTC

Hello, Erin.  I thought I would post this to the whole list, because it
seems to be a hot topic in the literature.  We just recently created a
reference staff only blog for posting messages about recurring reference
questions, information about database downtime, and various other
problems that come up at reference.  Our reference blog is at  It is viewable by the public, but only
reference staff can post or comment.  We have only been doing it for a
little while, but I think once we get used to logging in to read and
post instead of posting to the library listserv all the time, it will
really help us to increase communication among the librarians.  It
should also help us to better answer reference questions, because we can
search the blog and go back to the previous postings.  We got the idea
from a recent Library Journal article by Emily Barton and Arlene
Westmantel in October 2006.

We also have a regular library blog where we post messages about new
products, reviews of websites, etc.  It is located at

I went to an ALA presentation about how one library is using a wiki to
keep track of periodicals subscriptions, whether they are print or
electronic, much the way some libraries use an ERM.  I look on the ala
program online, but could not find the description of the program.  It
may have been a late-announced program.

Does this help?

Barbara Pope, MALS
Reference/Periodicals Librarian
Axe Library
Pittsburg State University
Pittsburg KS  66762

Finnerty, Erin wrote:
> The reference staff at my library has expressed interest in establishing
> some type of staff-side online forum (a website, wiki, blog, or...? ) to
> house current e-resource and serials info all in one spot.
> A few examples of what I'm imagining this might be good for:
> --> Immediate notification of incorrect holdings or access info until
> larger problem can be resolved
> --> Announcements of scheduled down-time for various databases, etc.
> --> Easily accessible list of all current subscriptions
> --> List of frequent "problem" titles... if a publisher's interface
> continually causes confusion, etc.
> --> Vendor tech services contact info in the event of my absence
> Does anyone else have a similar service in place?
> I'd love to hear any and all experiences or alternative solutions.
> Thanks!
> Erin
> _____________________________
> Erin Finnerty
> E-Resources/Serials Librarian
> New Jersey Institute of Technology
> 323 MLK Blvd. / Newark, NJ 07102
> Ph(973) 596-3205 Fax(973)643-5601