Serials automation question (fwd) SERIALST Moderator 26 Jul 2007 18:06 UTC

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Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2007 17:49:02 -0400
From: "Snyder, Stori Lynn" <stlsnyde@INDIANA.EDU>

I am an MLS intern at the Elisabeth C. Miller Library
( I am researching
serials automation and I hope to call upon your organization regarding
practical applications and any personal experiences you are willing to

There is no money available for the library to purchase any type of
packaged automation program.  We plan to combine functions in an Access
DB.  The goals are to

--increase efficiency
--automate check-in
--make claiming easier
--track renewals

The Miller Library Collection includes 160 active subscriptions, about 25%
of which are handled in-house (EBSCO manages the rest).  All subscriptions
are checked-in by the Serials Manager and volunteer staff.

The current procedure for check-in is to use a Kardex; bibliographic
information/holdings and a ledger reside in two Access databases.
Periodicals information organized by title, publishing organization, and
subject(s) are printed for the public and uploaded to the website.

I am interested in finding out what questions other libraries asked before
proceeding.  Are some components more easily automated than others?
What, if any, are the drawbacks to giving up the Kardex?  Has training
volunteers and staff been a concern?  Do other libraries elect to use the
Kardex in conjunction with an automated system?  How many of these
automated systems tend to be "home-grown"?  Any other comments and/or
observations are welcome.

Thank you very much for your time!  Your expertise and experience will
benefit us greatly.

Stori Snyder