Question: determining future availability of e-journals Patricia Thompson 30 Jul 2007 13:49 UTC

When switching subscriptions from print to online, one of the
considerations is the continued availability of back issues. I
realize that every publisher has its own model for whether they
continue to provide this if you cancel the current subscription.
There is another aspect to this, which is the "preservation" aspect,
having to do with whether you should be able to count on the
publisher remaining solvent and continuing to support the online access.

How are librarians evaluating this, and how does this information
play into your e-journal policies? Does a publisher's participation
in Portico or Lockss make a difference? What about those small
publishers or organizations that put out newsletters, etc.

I'm looking for a way to streamline the decision-making and minimize
the amount of information-gathering required for a decision on each
title, and get a policy in place that takes these factors into account.

Any input would be helpful.

I am cross-posting this to several lists, so please excuse duplication.

Patricia Thompson
Assistant University Librarian for Resource Management Services
Jessie Ball duPont Library
The University of the South
Sewanee, TN 37383
Phone: 931-598-1657