Re: [SERIALIST] Managing free access journals. John Lucas 02 Aug 2007 14:06 UTC

While many of the publications listed on these sites find their way into DOAJ,  I have found others that did not.

Opps, the links do not link but you can copy paste.

The 'free access' titles on HighWire Press

As many of us are aware, for STM, there is BioMed Central and the NLM's PubMed Central.
SciELO focuses on publications from South America, Spain and Porgutal. Although most are Main Language Spanish or Portugese, Many are now providing Engllish PDF's
Medknow focuses primarily on India but has some publications from Africa
Free Medical Journals
There is Free Full     (all disciplines)I thought I had a site for publications coming out of Mexico and Parts of Central America but cannot seem to locate it..

The listserve New Journals Digest  lists new, and not so new publications.  Most are by the known commercial publishers, but there are many others, some which are open access.  It is worth it to go through, looking for relevant titles to see what is out there, with something maybe your clients can use.

[My opinion FWIW  (for what its worth)]
As there become more open access titles, and ways of finding them, you never know what your client base will find as references in the articles they read and need.  We can be the filter by providing the lists and links to the quality publications.

HAVE A GREAT REST OF YOUR LIFE ! ! (don't limit anyone to a day)

John Lucas

Serials Librarian
University of Mississippi Medical Center
2500 North State St
Jackson, MS 39216-4505

(PH) (601) 984-1277
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