Re: Are Journals in JSTOR Current Serials? Armand Cardinal 23 Aug 2007 16:50 UTC

I discovered while an undergraduate student that JSTOR stood for 'journal storage.'
Depending on the individual journal, the newest entries might be 3-5 years old if
I remember correctly. A professor once informed me that they believed when a journal
ceased being carrried on his own database, it went to JSTOR.
In my personal experience, I've noted when I cannot find a particular article in the
individual's journal base, it is usually in JSTOR or some similar database.
I would recommend searching by date or issue as well as by article.
I hope this helped.
Mike Cardinal, MLS, MA


From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum on behalf of Patricia Thompson
Sent: Wed 22-Aug-07 18:11
Subject: Re: [SERIALST] Are Journals in JSTOR Current Serials?

We do. But only the current ones. Some are not current. There are
different collections within JSTOR and depending on which ones you
have subscribed to, you would have different numbers of titles. We
regard these as online subscriptions to individual journal titles.
Same with Project Muse.
Pat Thompson

At 04:18 PM 8/22/2007, you wrote:
>Line 26 of the Academic Libraries Survey asks for the number of
>current serial titles held at the end of the Fiscal Year. The
>instructions for line 26 read:
>Part D - Library Collections
>Current serial titles (line 26) - Report the total number of titles
>in all formats. If the title comes in
>both paper and electronic form, count it twice. Count each
>individual title if it is received as part
>of a publisher's package. Include paper and microfilm government
>documents issued serially if
>they are accessible through the library's catalog. Report indexing
>and abstracting services that
>may contain full-text in line 27.
>Do any libraries count JSTOR journals as current serial titles?
>Dennis Gibbons
>Collection Development Librarian
>Texas Christian University       Phone: 817-257-7312
>TCU Box 298400                    Fax:     817-257-7282
>Fort Worth, TX 76129              E-mail:

Patricia Thompson
Assistant University Librarian for Resource Management Services
Jessie Ball duPont Library
The University of the South
Sewanee, TN 37383
Phone: 931-598-1657