SLACK price increases Connie Foster 10 Aug 2007 13:42 UTC

Has anyone else been aghast (or should we be surprised at any pricing
these days) of the recent SLACK, Inc. 2008 model for print and
print+online? Based on fte our print subscription, for example, to AAOHN
is $224 and then the online with print goes to $2,240. The rest of the
titles follow the same giant leap pattern ($250/$2500, etc.). I'm not
real good at % but I think this is astronomical.
And the sad thing is, like so many of these offers for free online with
login, we just set up that mechanism for 2007, only to have that pulled
away. Our health sciences librarian is pretty conscientious about
following these offers and we try to accommodate when possible, but my
basic instinct says not to do it.
Just need company in my misery.
Connie Foster

Connie Foster, Professor and Head, Dept. of Library Technical Services
Western Kentucky University Libraries
Editor, Serials Review
1906 College Heights Blvd. #11067
Bowling Green KY 42101-1067  tel:270-745-6151 fax:270-745-3958

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