Re: Change of title: Times Higher Education Supplement Steven C Shadle 23 Jan 2008 20:45 UTC

I would consider dropping of the word 'supplement' to be the dropping of a resource type word and covered as a minor change in AACR2 21.2C2b)ix)

Steve Shadle/Serials Access Librarian  *****
University of Washington Libraries      ***     Phone: (206) 685-3983
Seattle, WA 98195-2900                   *        Fax: (206) 543-0854

On Thu, 24 Jan 2008, Peter Hosking wrote:

> We have received no. 1827 (10-16 Jan. 2008) of Times Higher Education
> which appears to be a major change. They have dropped "supplement" from
> the title and on p. 17 they say that "As we are no longer a supplement
> of another publication nor owned by Rupert Murdoch's News International,
> but part of an independent publishing group, we have lopped the last
> word from out title to become Times Higher Education."
> I sent a note to the editor asking if they were applying for a new ISSN.
> I'm copying the reply that I received below.
> Am I mistaken in thinking that it should have a new ISSN?
> Peter Hosking
> Serials Cataloguing Librarian
> Collection Services
> University of Canterbury Library
> Christchurch, N.Z.
> ________________________________
> From: Kelly, Gerard []
> Sent: Thursday, 24 January 2008 5:39 a.m.
> To: Peter Hosking
> Subject: RE: change of title: Times Higher Education
> Dear Peter
> Thank you for your enquiry but we have been told that as we have amended
> rather than changed our title completely a new ISSN isn't necessary.
> Best wishes
> Gerard