Re: Change of title: Times Higher Education Supplement Regina Reynolds 23 Jan 2008 21:05 UTC


I would concur with Steve Shadle's interpretation (almost always do!) but
will also send an email to the UK ISSN Centre to confirm their decision,
since no variant title was added to the ISSN Portal record, as I would
have expected if the UK Centre had follwed through on their decision to
treat the change as a minor one.  It is entirely possible that updated
record has not yet been sent for inclusion in the Portal but just in case
this has not been done, I'll check into it.

Regina Reynolds

On Wed, 23 Jan 2008, Steven C Shadle wrote:

> I would consider dropping of the word 'supplement' to be the dropping of a resource type word and covered as a minor change in AACR2 21.2C2b)ix)
> Steve Shadle/Serials Access Librarian  *****
> University of Washington Libraries      ***     Phone: (206) 685-3983
> Seattle, WA 98195-2900                   *        Fax: (206) 543-0854
> On Thu, 24 Jan 2008, Peter Hosking wrote:
> > We have received no. 1827 (10-16 Jan. 2008) of Times Higher Education
> > which appears to be a major change. They have dropped "supplement" from
> > the title and on p. 17 they say that "As we are no longer a supplement
> > of another publication nor owned by Rupert Murdoch's News International,
> > but part of an independent publishing group, we have lopped the last
> > word from out title to become Times Higher Education."
> >
> > I sent a note to the editor asking if they were applying for a new ISSN.
> > I'm copying the reply that I received below.
> >
> > Am I mistaken in thinking that it should have a new ISSN?
> >
> >
> > Peter Hosking
> > Serials Cataloguing Librarian
> > Collection Services
> > University of Canterbury Library
> > Christchurch, N.Z.
> >
> > ________________________________
> >
> > From: Kelly, Gerard []
> > Sent: Thursday, 24 January 2008 5:39 a.m.
> > To: Peter Hosking
> > Subject: RE: change of title: Times Higher Education
> >
> >
> >
> > Dear Peter
> >
> > Thank you for your enquiry but we have been told that as we have amended
> > rather than changed our title completely a new ISSN isn't necessary.
> >
> > Best wishes
> > Gerard
> >
> >
> >

Regina 	R. Reynolds                     email:
Head, National Serials Data Program     voice: (202) 707-6379
Library of Congress                     fax    (202) 707-6333
101 Independence Avenue, S.E.           ISSN Web page:
Washington, D.C. 20540-4160