Journals without wrappers? LUFF, Kirsty 28 Jan 2008 16:50 UTC

***Apologies for cross posting***

Dear colleagues

Due to our own environmental concerns, and because some of our society
partners are requesting it, we're investigating the feasibility of
sending out some journals without wrappers. The cover of these journals
would instead contain a sticker with address information which could be
easily removed.

We understand that a number of journals, notably Nature and Science, are
already sent out this way in the US?

We would appreciate answers, on or off list, to the following questions:

1. Do you receive journals without wrappers?
2. If so, do they arrive damaged?
3. Do you/how often do you have to raise claims to the publisher for
damaged copies?

Many thanks in advance.


Kirsty Luff | Senior Communications & Marketing Manager
Oxford Journals | Oxford University Press
Great Clarendon Street | Oxford | OX2 6DP
+44 (0)1865 354206

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