Disposal of Abstracts and Indexes Connie Foster 29 Jan 2008 16:38 UTC

Is anyone "letting go" of print indexes and abstracts for space and
online considerations? Ex., sociological abstracts or others. Some
librarians have a reluctance to discard for fear of cancelling online
products "in the future" and not having a fall-back and, thus, would
move to storage.
Any opinions and experiences you have are appreciated. This could also
extend to the JSTOR/MUSE type titles and what criteria you use to decide
what goes away permanently, what goes to storage and what stays within
Connie Foster

Connie Foster, Professor and Head, Dept. of Library Technical Services
Western Kentucky University Libraries
Editor, Serials Review
1906 College Heights Blvd. #11067
Bowling Green KY 42101-1067
connie.foster@wku.edu  tel:270-745-6151 fax:270-745-3958

	"Creating Information Possibilities"

	TopSCHOLAR(tm) http://digitalcommons.wku.edu

Serials Review electronic submission for authors: http://ees.elsevier.com/serrev