Re: Price increase reports for online resources Lenis McBride 10 Jan 2008 16:42 UTC

Van Orsdel, Lee C. and Kathleen, Born. "Serials Wars".  Library Journal  Volume 132 No. 7 April 15, 2007.

Patricia Thompson <pthompso@SEWANEE.EDU> wrote:  Does anyone know of a report on average price increases for online
databases and periodicals? I'm looking for something to cite as a
national or worldwide trend, like we do the reports in the Bowker
Annual and our vendor reports for print materials, when we're trying
to justify budget requests.

Pat Thompson

Patricia Thompson
Assistant University Librarian for Resource Management Services
Jessie Ball duPont Library
The University of the South
Sewanee, TN 37383
Phone: 931-598-1657

              Lenis McBride
  Interim Serials Librarian/Instructor
  J.F. Drake Memorial Learning Resources Center
  Alabama A&M University
  Normal, AL  35762
  Office (256) 372-4721
  Cell (256) 665-6740
  " Books are not men and yet they are alive.
    They are our hope and our aspiration."
    -Stephen St. Vincent Millay

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