Call for Participation: New NISO Working Groups on Institutional Identifiers and Knowledge Bases and Related Tools Cynthia Hodgson 18 Jan 2008 17:01 UTC

Following approval by NISO voting members on two new proposals for
Institutional Identifiers and Knowledge Bases and Related Tools (KBART),
NISO is in the process of forming the two working groups described
below. Anyone interested in becoming a member of either the working
group or a review group should contact Karen Wetzel (
by January 31, 2007.

Institutional Identifiers – This project will build on work from the
Journal Supply Chain Efficiency Improvement Pilot
(, which demonstrated the improved
efficiencies of using an institutional identifier in the journal supply
chain. The NISO working group will develop a standard for an
institutional identifier that can be implemented in all library and
publishing environments. The standard will include definition of the
metadata required to be collected with the identifier and what uses can
be made of that metadata. For more information view the press release

Knowledge Base and Related Tools (KBART) – Cosponsored by the UK Serials
Group, this working group will develop a Recommended Practice for the
interactions of parties in the creation of, provision of data to, and
implementation of OpenURL knowledge bases in the supply chain, including
link resolver vendors, ERM system suppliers, publishers, libraries and
library consortia, subscription agents, and aggregators. For more
information view the press release at:

Cynthia Hodgson
NISO Technical Editor Consultant
National Information Standards Organization
Email: <>
Phone: 301-654-2512