Re: First Aid in Libraries Charles L. King 31 Jan 2008 22:56 UTC

OSHA Codes also require First Aid trained employees at all work sites.
Here, we ask volunteers from every library section to attend Red Cross
instructed classes on First Aid/CPR.  Since we also acquired some of the
portable defibrillators, we also asked for volunteers to attend Red Cross
instructed AED classes.  The library pays for all the training, and grants
work time for the training.

The problems are, of course: getting volunteers, and; keeping records on
when people attended class and when they need to be retrained.

Charles L. King
Serials Librarian
Hawaii State Library
478 South King Street
Honolulu, HI 96813-2994

-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
[mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of Carroll Balkham
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2008 6:33 AM
Subject: [SERIALST] First Aid in Libraries

Hi everyone,

We have been talking recently about the Canada Labour Code where it
mentions the employer's duty to provide first aid facilities (para
125.1.h) and how it should be applied within a library setting.
Obviously the question is not whether to provide first aid. The question
is how to provide it when there is a mix of employees and non-employees
("the public"), extended hours beyond standard 9-5 business hours, and
some of those extended hours may be staffed by student help or other
non-permanent employees who may or may not currently have training in
first aid.

I would be very happy to receive any advice on policy and procedure
within your own library that you would be willing to share as it will
help us develop our own policy and procedures, thanks,

Carroll Balkham
Readers' Services Supervisor/Superviseur des services aux lecteurs Massey
Library/Bibliothèque Massey Royal Military College of Canada/Collège
militaire royal du Canada