Re: Advertising Age Kristen Fredericksen 27 Feb 2008 19:19 UTC

That's what we've got, too.


> Can somebody do a quick check on Advertising Age?
> December of 2007 goes from
> v.78: no.48 (Dec 3)
> v.78: no.49 (Dec 10)
> v.78: no.50 (Dec 17)
> v.78: no.52 (Dec 31)
> I got word that Dec 24 was not published but yet the issue sequence has
> skipped a beat. Can someone verify this please? This is why I love
> serials work.
> Roger


Kristen Fredericksen
Acting Head of Serials
Mullen Library, Serials Department
The Catholic University of America
Washington, DC 20064-0001
Phone: 202-319-5073
Fax: 202-319-4181