Re: NEF : Nouvelles Etudes Francophones Regina Reynolds 27 Feb 2008 21:08 UTC

Shana, Amy, and all--

Chad Abel-Kops of NSDP provided this information about these tricky

NSDP/LC has completed its review of the attached query and updated the
OCLC records accordingly.  In 2004, Le Conseil international d'etudes
francophones began a new publication, Nouvelles etudes francophones (ISSN
1552-3152), which separated from the title, Etudes francophones (ISSN
1093-9334), but follows the same numbering sequence.  Etudes francophones
(ISSN 1093-9334) is now issued by the University of Louisiana at Lafayette
and is no longer the official publication of Le Conseil international
d'etudes francophones.  Nevertheless, both publications "claim" the same
publishing history, which has led to some confusion in differentiating the
records.  While both titles contain similar content and use the same
numbering, they are indeed two completely separate
publications.  Consequently, OCLC 190846710 does not reflect a subsequent
title change and has been reported for deletion.

Please let us know if you have any further questions regarding these

Thank you,


Chad P. Abel-Kops
Senior Serials Specialist
Library of Congress
Serial Record Division
Washington DC 20540-4160
202-707-6384 (phone)
202-707-1778 (fax) (e-mail)

On Wed, 27 Feb 2008, Amy Ranger wrote:

> Shana, thank you -- I see that you are indeed correct -- the other edition in the stack is the newer issue. This must be one of those lovely examples of serials in the guise of monographs fighting back... I can't believe the publisher labeled it vol. 22, no. 1 (and no. 2).
> Wait, I used to work in the retail book business. Publishers don't really surprise me anymore!
> Thanks,
> ~Amy
> >>> "Shana L. McDanold" <mcdanold@POBOX.UPENN.EDU> wrote:
> Amy,
> I sent a message awhile back asking NSDP to investigate what's going on
> with the Etudes francophones / Nouvelle etudes francophones journals.  I
> believe the new record for Etudes francophones (OCLC# 190846710) should
> not have been created as the original title (OCLC# 34979714) never
> actually ceased as we have ongoing issues and there was no new ISSN
> requested or issued.
> Etudes francophones appears to have been published simultaneously with
> Nouvelle etudes francophones (a spinoff, the 78x is coded as partially
> continues) since 2004.
> The most recent issue we have of Etudes francophones is vol. 22, no. 1
> and 2 (printemps et automne 2007).  It has an ISSN of 1093-9334.
> Hopefully NSDP can sort it out!  They asked that nothing be done to the
> records while they sort it out.
> Cheers!
> --Shana
> Amy Ranger wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I have a journal in hand that seems to be a reincarnation, but I'm not enough of a serialist yet to understand the nuances of the catalog records.
> >
> > The title of the journal is NEF : Nouvelles Etudes Francophones, (vol. 22, no. 1, Printemps 2007)
> > Table of contents matches information on the website:
> >
> >
> > There is a lot of information on the history of this publication in the journal, which is contributing to my confusion... it begins: "Nouvelles Etudes Francophones (NEF) (ISSN 1552-3152) is the official journal of the International Council of the Francophone Studies / ... From 1995 to 2004, the journal was entitled Etudes Francophones (ISSN 1093-9334), from 1993 to 1995, Revue Francophone (ISSN 0890-9555) and from 1990 to 1993, Revue Francophone de Louisiane (ISSN 0890-9555). This issue, the sixth under the new title NEF, continues the numbering of Etudes Francophones."
> >
> > So, it looks like the journal has had two earlier ISSNs:
> > 0890-9555
> > 1093-9334
> > and that the current ISSN is 1552-3152.
> >
> > It also looks like the journal has had [possibly?] four previous titles:
> > Revue Francophone de Louisiane
> > Revue Francophone
> > Etudes Francophones
> > Nouvelles Etudes Francophones
> > and that now it is primarily known as NEF.
> >
> > Furthermore, it seems like OCLC #56407212 has been closed, but I'm not sure if it was done correctly, or if the new record, OCLC #190846710, is quite right.
> >
> > Would one of you take a look at this for me, please?
> >
> > Thank you.
> > ~Amy
> >
> > Amy L. Ranger, MLS
> > Assistant Librarian / Cataloging
> > Room 114, Zumberge Library
> > Grand Valley State University
> > (616) 331-8674
> >
> >  ( )
> >
> >
> --
> ----------
> Shana L. McDanold
> Electronic Resources & Serials Cataloging Librarian
> University of Pennsylvania Libraries
> Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center
> 3420 Walnut Street
> Philadelphia, PA  19104-6206
> phone: 215-746-0267
> fax: 215-573-9610
> e-mail:

Regina 	R. Reynolds                     email:
Head, National Serials Data Program     voice: (202) 707-6379
Library of Congress                     fax    (202) 707-6333
101 Independence Avenue, S.E.           ISSN Web page:
Washington, D.C. 20540-4160