Re: Ebsco Mary Williams 04 Feb 2008 15:49 UTC

I've had wretched experience with EBSCO both at Dallas and at Denver.  We go through CSRs at the rate of at least one/year and if we get a good one, they leave to go to grad school or otherwise better themselves.  I often get communication from more than one person, who claim to be helping our CSR with email, and they don't seem to communicate with each other.  Recently (fefore Christmas) I got an email from an unfamiliar person regarding electronic access to ACS journals and when I replied someone else emailed that the titles were not available electronically.  We finally got invoiced for the print journals last week.

We've had several experiences where claims weren't honored by the publisher because we didn't have a current subscription.  We send EBSCO a check in late July and our subscriptions run Jan-Dec.  I don't understand why the subscriptions are not kept current.  This has been a problem since before the merger.

I did, in a previous position, go to the trouble of issuing an RFP and changed to another vendor.  Unfortunately, the new vendor was Faxon.  To their credit, EBSCO took us back and worked to ensure that our subscriptions continued without gaps.  It appears that they can handle disasters, but not the day-to-day business.



Mary Williams
Serials Librarian
Olson Library
Minot State University
Minot, ND  58707

Phone: (701) 858-4285
FAX: (701) 858-3581