Re: A chart that couples ISSNs? Regina Reynolds 12 Feb 2008 19:29 UTC


Charts will be forthcoming in the latter part of 2008 from the ISSN
International Centre as part of the implementing of the linking ISSN
(ISSN-L).  Under the revised international ISSN standard (ISO 3297: 2007),
a new mechanism--the linking ISSN--has been developed in order to
collocate all medium versions of a title while preserving the
medium-specific ISSN.  The ISSN International Centre is populating the
entire ISSN database (the ISSN Register) with linking ISSN.  All titles
whether current or ceased, whether published in one medium or more than
one, will have a linking ISSN designated and placed into a new subfield of
the ISSN field, namely MARC 21 022 $l (L for "linking).  As part of the
implementation of the linking ISSN-L, the ISSN International Centre will
make available tables of correspondences: one table will list each medium
specific ISSN and the corresponding linking ISSN while the other table
will list each linking ISSN and the one or more medium specific ISSN that
linking ISSN collocates.

I can also suggest that each record in the ISSN Portal (available from the
ISSN International Centre lists in one or more MARC 21 776
fields any other medium versions of the title and in subfield x there is
the ISSN of that other version.

I'd be happy to answer any further questions you might have.

Regina Reynolds
Head, National Serials Data Program (U.S. ISSN center)
Library of Congress

On Fri, 8 Feb 2008, Michael wrote:

> The question:
> Does anyone have an up-to-date chart that will couple a given title’s print ISSN to its electronic ISSN?
> Why I’m asking:
> We use a subscription agent and over the course of a year we subscribe and cancel titles. We have an A-Z list provided by a separate vendor. We have yet another vendor that supplies a meaningful degree of archival access to many of these titles in addition to the access that the publishers supply to the same titles. And of course we have the publishers and/or their host sites.
> With that many parties involved in providing access to thousands of titles it is easy to see how they can get out of sync with each other. It makes good sense to periodically check to make sure every thing that we pay for, in every form that we pay for it, is operational.
> A way to check to see that everything is as it should be is to download a list from each relevant vendor/provider/publisher and compare them to each other. If I bought a title through subscription agent A from publisher B, I want to see it in vendor C’s list. If I compare the three lists from the 3 parties and all 3 say I have access that title, chances are good that I actually do have access. This is more efficient than going title by title through the OPAC even if that is the most reliable way to do it. But I’m open to a discussion of better ways of verifying access to a long list of titles.
> The problem is that subscription agent A is likely to say I have access to “Journal of the Boss Hogg Society” and because it has an electronic element, they’ll use the e-ISSN. At the same time, publisher B sells print plus with emphasis on print so they use the print ISSN and they list the title as “*The* journal of the Boss Hogg society.” And in the meantime, vendor C is into shorthand titles so they list it as “Jnl Boss Hogg Society” and they occasionally use the print ISSN for some titles and the e-ISSN for other titles.
> I can run electronic list comparisons but only if I have a consistent match point. The best way that we have come up with is a chart where the different format ISSNs are linked together along with a title. That way the title can vary enough to throw it off in a list but still be matchable. Any ideas? I'm always open to ideas on better ways of doing things.
> Thanks to all,
> Michael Lampley
> Serials Librarian
> Texas Christian University
> TCU Box 2984000
> 2913 West Lowden St.
> Fort Worth, TX 76129
> 817 257 6485 TEL
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Regina 	R. Reynolds                     email:
Head, National Serials Data Program     voice: (202) 707-6379
Library of Congress                     fax    (202) 707-6333
101 Independence Avenue, S.E.           ISSN Web page:
Washington, D.C. 20540-4160