Subject: Job Posting: Electronic Access Librarian at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) Laura Smart 12 Feb 2008 19:49 UTC

Caltech Library Services seeks an energetic, service-oriented individual
to work within the Metadata Services Group to coordinate electronic
access to Library materials.  The Electronic Access Librarian will
collaborate closely with Collection Management and the Business Office
to facilitate the identification, selection, and fiscal control of
resources while overseeing the metadata records-keeping and database
maintenance required to make resources available electronically.  The
Librarian also develops policies, procedures, and work flows to optimize
the experience of customers accessing Library resources on line, trains
staff to implement best practices, and maintains quality control of
related metadata.

Review of applications is ongoing.  Position is open until filled.  The
full vacancy announcement with instructions for applicants can be found

Laura Smart, Metadata Services Manager

Caltech Library Services

1200 E. California Blvd. MC 1-32

Pasadena, CA     91125-3200

(626)395-6149 / FAX (626)792-7540