USA, NY, Albany - Library Serials Coordinator Anna Z Radkowski-Lee 19 Feb 2008 15:19 UTC

University at Albany Libraries
University at Albany, SUNY

POSITION - Library Serials Coordinator- SL-3 (Instructional Support Technician)

LOCATION: University Libraries, Acquisitions Services Dept., Library Systems and Technical Services Division.

RESPONSIBILITIES -  Reporting to the Head of the Acquisitions Services Department, the successful candidate will supervise the Head of the Serials Services Unit which orders, checks-in, and claims all continuation orders in print format and prepares renewal invoices for payment . Will provide training, will serve as a resource person for serials acquisitions, including serial check-in and creation of MARC 21 publication patterns, will resolve problems related to orders, subscription records, and invoices including communication with vendors and selectors.  Finalists will be asked to submit official transcripts and to present on a specific topic to all library personnel.

QUALIFICATIONS  -  Minimum qualifications:  Baccalaureate degree accredited by a US Department of Education or internationally recognized accrediting organization, excellent oral and written communication skills, ability to work independently and as part of a team, demonstrated supervisory ability, experience with automated systems, experience in library acquisitions or related field, working knowledge of Windows applications, including Word, Excel and Outlook.  Applicants must address in their applications their abilities to work with a culturally diverse population.  Preferred qualifications:  Experience with automated library systems and knowledge of library standards and systems (e.g. ANSI/NISO, MARC, OCLC). Knowledge of MARC format for serials. Experience with publication patterns and law materials.

TERMS & BENEFITS -  Calendar year appointment and tenure-track position;  sick leave and annual leave at 1.25 days each per month; health insurance; dental, vision and prescription coverage.  TIAA/CREF or New York State Employees' Retirement available (employee contribution rate 3%).

SUBMIT APPLICATIONS VIA E-MAIL TO: , Anna Z. Radkowski-Lee, Library Personnel Officer, University at Albany Libraries - LI 111, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York 12222.

DEADLINE - Review of applications will begin on March 17, 2008 and continue until the position is filled.  Please include the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references in addition to your resume and cover letter.