Publisher-created subscription lapses Rose Marie Parsons 07 Mar 2008 15:58 UTC


Publisher decisions have caused several of our subscriptions to lapse
even though Ebsco and Swets, our subscription agents, have renewed our
subscriptions on time. How are other libraries responding to these
situations? Can libraries band together to help publishers understand
how their decisions harm our patrons?

1. A publication for which we have an online-only subscription moved
from Publisher A to Publisher B. Publisher A turned off access to
archives, and Publisher B doesn't expect to have them available until
April at the earliest. Only the current issue is available through
Publisher B.

2. Publisher C decided pricing should be at the backfile rate because
the 2007 volume was paid for in November 2007.  Instead of sending a
supplemental invoice, the publisher returned the subscription agent's
check and turned off our electronic access. The subscription agent sent
the corrected payment 01/19/08, but as of today, our access is still
denied. The subscription agent was told this week by the publisher's
customer service representative "to give them another week to process
the orders."

3. Publisher D unilaterally decided our renewal of a subscription that
expired 12/31/07 should begin 04/01/08.

How can libraries and publishers work together to better serve our

Rose Marie Parsons
Albertsons Library
Boise State University
P.O Box 46
Boise, Idaho 83707-0046
208-426-5424 (fax)