Wiley Blackwell problems --- Same thing with Haworth Taylor & Francis Andree Rathemacher 13 Mar 2008 00:54 UTC

Just wanted to add that the acquisition of Haworth by Taylor & Francis has
created a similar black hole.

We have access to the Journal of Divorce and Remarriage online through
Haworth, but a patron noticed today that two volumes in the middle of the
run were not there (they were published and we have them in print). I
contacted the email on the journal page (haworthpress@taylorandfrancis.com)
and copied our T & F Rep (who is really helpful). Even she couldn't help,

*We have some customer service people here in Philly that may be able to
help you.  I just would not expect the response to be that quick at this
point because while we go through this transition we have been in a blackout
period.  I am not sure how the online access is being handled at this point.

*I wish I could be of more help, but until these titles are moved over to
Informaworld it's going to be in a bit of a flux for while.*

Merger mania...

Andree Rathemacher
Associate Professor
Head, Serials Unit
University Library, University of Rhode Island
15 Lippitt Road
Kingston, RI 02881-2011
work: (401) 874-5096
fax: (401) 874-4588
e-mail: andree@uri.edu
e-mail: andree.rathemacher@gmail.com