Local Holdings Mainenance class Carol Seiler 18 Mar 2008 19:57 UTC

Amigos has the following web-based training in our live online

OCLC Connexion - Local Holdings Maintenance
April 1-2, 2008
Creation of local holdings records allows librarians to specify what
issues of a serial they actually own. The functionality also improves
interlibrary loan efficiency by allowing librarians to set borrowing and
lending codes, even for items that are not serials. This hands-on
workshop will demonstrate features currently available in OCLC's
Connexion browser interface for creating and maintaining local holdings

For the most up-to-date training schedule, a complete list of courses,
descriptions, and a convenient online registration form, visit
http://www.amigos.org/?q=node/472 or contact Chris Brown at Amigos,
1-800-843-8482, ext. 2829, or brown@amigos.org.
Copyright Amigos Library Services, Inc. 2008, All rights reserved.
Amigos Library Services | 14400 Midway Road | Dallas, TX  75244-3509

Carol Seiler, MLS
Continuing Education Librarian
Amigos Library Services
14400 Midway Rd.
Dallas, TX 75244
(800) 843-8482 ext. 2828
(972) 340-2828 (direct)
(972) 991-6061 (fax)