LITA Standards Interest Group program on Identifiers at ALA Griem, Rowena 25 Jun 2008 13:54 UTC

Please come and join the Standards Interst Group for a program on IDENTIFIERS!

Saturday, June 28th, 4-6 at the Anaheim Convention Center, 304 D

SPEAKERS:   45 minutes each, followed by a 15 minute NISO Update

John Kunze from the Californis Digital Library on "Persistent Identifier Principles and Practice"


        This talk will describe the goals of persistent identifiers and

        factors affecting the choice of an in-house identifier standard.

        Practical aspects of designing services around identifiers will

        also be explored, with examples based on ARK identifiers.

Regina Reynolds from the Library of Congress on "The Linking ISSN: bridging the past, linking to the future

        One of the most significant aspects of the revised ISSN standard (ISO 3297:         2007) is the linking ISSN, a mechanism that collocates the ISSN assigned to the       separate medium versions of continuing resources by designating one of these   ISSN to function as the linking ISSN.  This presentation will review the         development of this collocating mechanism, the needs it is expected to meet, and        its forthcoming implementation. Also included will be an overview of emerging       uses of the ISSN and anticipated uses of the linking ISSN in today's electronic   environment.

Todd Carpenter, Managing Director of NISO on "NISO Update"

This promises to be a very interesting session, hope to see many of you there!

Éva Bolkovac
Chair, LITA Standards Interest Group