Re: Shrink-wrapping library materials?? Chris Blackman 24 Sep 2008 15:45 UTC

Hi, Buddy:

We ran into some problems with fire codes in our storage facility
because of the amount of materials that had been shrink wrapped, so
that's one place to be careful.  I've forwarded on your message to two
other people who can give you a more detailed answer.  Let me know if
you don't hear anything.


*Christine Blackman*
Catalog Librarian
Williams College Libraries <>
Williamstown, MA

New Library: Read all about it! <>

Pennington, Buddy D. wrote:
> Hi all,
> We are getting ready to prepare large numbers of materials for an
> automated storage and retrieval system.  We were looking at using
> shrink-wrapping as an alternative to binding.  Do any of you have any
> experience with shrink-wrapping library materials (either in-house or
> with a vendor).  If so, any caveats or recommendations?
> Buddy Pennington
> Serial Acquisitions Librarian
> University of Missouri - Kansas City
> 800 East 51st Street
> Kansas City, MO  64110
> Phone: 816-235-1548
> Fax: 816-333-5584
> Email:
> UMKC University Libraries: Discovery. Knowledge. Empowerment.