Re: Haworth Press -- Continuing Access Problems ? Stokes, Judith 05 Sep 2008 17:44 UTC

Yes, we verified complaints on Wednesday of this week in the middle of the day -- no Haworth articles we tried would open for us. Later that same afternoon, we were able to get to the requested articles -- it was still very slow responding, but didn't time out.



Judith E. Stokes
Serials/E-resources Librarian
Rhode Island College
600 Mount Pleasant Avenue
Providence, RI 02908-1991

-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum [] On Behalf Of Narda Tafuri
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 1:06 PM
Subject: [SERIALST] Haworth Press -- Continuing Access Problems ?

Dear folks,

We are continuing to have access problems with our Haworth Press
titles.  Is anyone else continuing to have problems getting to their
online articles?

Thank you,


Narda Tafuri <>
Acquisitions & Continuing Resources Librarian
University of Scranton
Weinberg Memorial Library
Scranton, PA  18510
(570) 941-7811 -- voice
(570) 941-7809 -- fax