Re: Haworth Press -- Continuing Access Problems ? Sitko, Michelle 05 Sep 2008 20:49 UTC

Another possibility...for those who may be encountering access issues, you
may want to make sure that you are using Mozilla as your main browser when
viewing Haworth Press titles. Although, one would imagine that most web
designers would take different browsers into account, it appears to some of
us that this might be the common denominator missing for those encountering
linking problems.

"Sow a thought
     and you reap an act,
Sow an act
     and you reap a habit,
Sow a habit
     and you reap a character
Sow a Character
      And you reap a destiny"    Chinese Proverb
***** *** ***** *** ***** *** ***** ***
Michelle Sitko
Associate Professor
Coordinator of Collection Management Services/Head, Serials Department
Learning Resources Center
Marywood University
2300 Adams Avenue
Scranton, PA 18509-1598
Voice: (570) 340-6034
Fax: (570) 961-4769
Personal Website:
University Website:

-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
[]On Behalf Of Narda Tafuri
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 1:06 PM
Subject: [SERIALST] Haworth Press -- Continuing Access Problems ?

Dear folks,
We are continuing to have access problems with our Haworth Press
titles.  Is anyone else continuing to have problems getting to their
online articles?
Thank you,

Narda Tafuri <>
Acquisitions & Continuing Resources Librarian
University of Scranton
Weinberg Memorial Library
Scranton, PA  18510
(570) 941-7811 -- voice
(570) 941-7809 -- fax