Re: Donating journals, redux John Lucas 09 Sep 2008 21:17 UTC

Hello Mary and all out there,

I believe the 'original' intent of the statement is that the issue 'when initially released' cannot be used to replace... at the disposal of the library. [ To prevent institutions paying less or getting access to print information at a cheaper rate ]

We have had 2 different title instances like this.  It think it was in the late 1990's or early 2000's. In one case, we had a current subscription but had some missing issues in our backfiles that were filled in by these labeled ones.  (I think the title was Microbiology. I kind of remember the cover). We took those issues and bound them in with ours. [ I had no problem with that ]

In our second instance, we had cancelled our subscription ( another microbiology type title ) but the issues would have added on to our print collection.  Here we had kept them off the public area until they were 4 or 5 years old from the date of publication.  I think because of I.L.L. restrictions or Copyright or something.

I feel that each instance has to be investigated individually.  I see no reason that the print issues could not be eventually be added to the collection.

Maybe I  goofed. If I did, my fault alone.

With Best Regards,

John Lucas

Serials Librarian
University of Mississippi Medical Center
2500 North State St
Jackson, MS 39216-4505

(PH) (601) 984-1277
(FAX)  ( 601) 984-4569

>>> "Williams, Mary Welch" <mwill108@UTMEM.EDU> 9/9/2008 12:35 PM >>>
I found this in one of our medical journals:

(Subscription rates for institutions and individuals and a single issue

"For member society subscriptions, please contact the publishers
[address missing].

Individuals who wish to subscribe at a reduced rate must declare
informally that the subscription is for their own private use.  It will
not replace any institutional subscription and it will not be put at the
disposal of any library."

One could assume from this that one cannot therefore donate old issues
to any library.


Mary Williams (
Assistant Professor/Serials Librarian
 University of Tennessee
Health Science Center
Library and Biocommunications Center
877 Madison Avenue, Room 250
Memphis, TN 38163

Phone: (901) 448-5154
FAX: (901) 448-5402

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