Re: binding John Lucas 09 Sep 2008 21:38 UTC

Hello Loretta and Y'all,

Here, we use our bindery for copies of dissertations / theses that we will be keeping and putting on our shelves.  We take the copy that is given to the library and bind it as is.

If you are refering to having copies bound for the individual or for some other entity than the Library, we give them the addresses of other binders and have them contact them directly.

We then do not have to worry about separating out billing amounts, rebilling etc.

Some of our Departments have their Departmental journals bound and they use another bindery.  We provide the Departments with a space for the binder to pick them up and return them. We call the departments when returned.  We also help the department secretaries on how to fill out the bindery forms, and give advise on thickness etc.

However we do not check the journal issues [dissertations] to see that they are in order, paged correctly or that the bindery forms match what is being bound. That is the Departmental Responsibility.

If your Department of Graduate Studies is paying for the binding, then you can instruct them on how to and relieve you of that burden

If somewhat confusing, IT IS, however once we got out of doing this all the time, our stress levels were reduced. [ But quickly replace by other stresses ]

If you can get out of the business of, do try.

With Best Regards,

John Lucas

Serials Librarian
University of Mississippi Medical Center
2500 North State St
Jackson, MS 39216-4505

(PH) (601) 984-1277
(FAX)  ( 601) 984-4569

>>> Loretta Hartsell <hartsell_l@UTPB.EDU> 9/9/2008 2:51 PM >>>

Our library does the thesis binding along with the binding journals.  This
is posing as a problem for us to provide this service to Graduate Studies,
because of the time and labor I have to provide in taking care that the
thesis is processed correctly.  What are your thoughts on this and do you
have url links to binding policies at your universities?

Loretta J Hartsell


Dunagan Library

University of Texas of the Permain  Basin

4901 E University

Odessa, TX 79762

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