Re: Difference between database and electronic serial Charles McElroy 01 Oct 2008 14:53 UTC

Obviously, sometimes it seems to be a fine line with this definition but
I generally view a database as a compilation of information from
different sources whereas an electronic journal title is just that, a
specific journal title in electronic format that can be classified by a
subject area.

We separate these formats in our payment model by using a database
budget code, a general electronic journal budget code (used mostly with
packages, which are multi-disciplinary), and subject specific electronic
journal budget codes in addition to subject specific print journal
budget codes. This helps with generating reports to see what is being
spent in different subject areas even though it does take a little more
budgetary management.


Charles McElroy
Serials Acquisitions Librarian
Florida State University Libraries
711 West Madison Street
P.O. Box 3061005
Tallahassee, FL  32306-1005

Phone: 850-645-7911
Fax: 850-644-5671

Angelica Freitas wrote:
> Hello Serials people!!!
> I have a question!
> We all know that eventually most of our print collection will convert into
> electronic format.
> Here at our library we have a budget line for "database" and another for
> "serials" (any format, including electronic).
> Due to budget constraints, some of my colleagues have decided to "pay" for
> some of their databases from the serials budget. I am a bit confused by all
> of this and I would like to know if anyone out there knows the difference
> between a database and electronic journal???
> Sorry if I sound confusing
> Angelica Freitas
> Serials Administrator
> Sarah Lawrence College Library
> One Meadway
> Bronxville, NY
> 10708
> TEL: 914-395-2477
> FAX: 914-395-2473