Re: Serials cancellations/Facutly input Chris Hebblethwaite 15 Oct 2008 23:06 UTC

Carmel Yurochko wrote:

>Please excuse any cross-postings.
>Hello to all,
>I am asking for input regarding both print and online serials cancellations,
>and faculty input on cancellations.  Please feel free to respond to me off
>.         Does your institution cancel print/online serials solely based on
>library criteria, i.e. cost and use?
> No, we also consult with faculty to give them a chance to justify keeping a subscription, usually by creating an assignment that will get students to use it.
>.         Does your institution cancel print/online serials only after
>consulting with faculty?
Yes, we try to get faculty input regarding the cancellation of each
title that support an academic department.

>Is this done title-by-title or by discipline/schools?
Each of liaison's do this a bit differently but I typically send a list
of titles we are considering canceling to an academic department for
their feedback.  The list will typically include use statistics, cost,
and alternative sources (e.g. our full-text databases).

>.         Does your institution publicize cancellation decisions ahead of
>the actual serials cancellation?
We get back to our department with our final decision but we don't send
a list of cancellations out to the whole campus.

>If so, what is the outcome of critical responses?
By this time, we've usually done enough negotiation that we won't change
our minds.

>Thank you,
>Carmel Yurochko
>Carmel Yurochko
>Serials/Electronic Resources Librarian
>Psychology Dept. Liaison
>Gumberg Library
>Duquesne University
>600 Forbes Avenue
>Pittsburgh, PA 15282
> <>
>(412) 396-5233 / (412) 396-5639 fax
>"I am tired of words, let's have action." - Blessed Frederic Ozanam

Christopher Hebblethwaite
Penfield Library
SUNY Oswego
Oswego, NY 13126
phone: 315-312-3060
fax: 315-312-3194