Call for Presentations: ALCTS Electronic Resources Interest Group, ALA Midwinter, January 2009 Jennifer Lang 20 Oct 2008 14:39 UTC

(please excuse cross postings)

The ALCTS Electronic Resources Interest Groups (ERIG) seeks presentation
proposals for its Midwinter program in Denver on Saturday, January 24th from

Topics should be related to some aspect of electronic resources such as one
of the following:

*	SERU (Shared Electronic Resource Understanding)

*	vendor troubleshooting support

*	self-service e-resource troubleshooting guides people have developed

*	troubleshooting e-resources in general
*	using subscription agents for e-resources and the services they
provide - or not using subscription agents

*	progress of usage statistics reporting

Each presentation should be 20 minutes with 15 minutes for questions and

Proposal submission:
Proposals should be submitted via email to Jennifer Lang (Chair) at <> .

The deadline for submissions is November 7th, 2008.

Proposals must include the following:

*	Title of proposed presentation

*	Summary of proposed presentation (300 words or less)

*	Name(s) and position(s) of presenter(s)

*	E-mail address(es) of presenter(s)

*	Brief biography of the presenter(s)

Jennifer Lang, Chair
Amira Aaron, Co-Chair/Chair-Elect
ALCTS Electronic Norms Discussion Group

Jennifer Lang, MSLS
Electronic Resources Cataloging Coordinator
2-7-G Firestone Library
Princeton University
One Washington Road
Princeton NJ 08544-2098
609.258.5476 phone
609.258.0441 fax
AIM: jenniferwlang

Jennifer Lang, MSLS
Electronic Resources Cataloging Coordinator
2-7-G Firestone Library
Princeton University
One Washington Road
Princeton NJ 08544-2098
609.258.5476 phone
609.258.0441 fax
AIM: jenniferwlang