Commercial digest (1 message) Bob Persing 24 Oct 2008 17:21 UTC


SERIALST Commercial Digest pilot project: Since June 2008, the SERIALST
moderators have been experimenting with compiling and distributing a
Commercial Digest once a week, on Friday afternoons, with messages
containing informational content from commercial bodies (i.e.,
publishers, vendors, agents, etc.). The moderators review submitted
messages for informational content that may interest our subscribers. We
reserve the right to reject messages that are purely for advertising or
product/service solicitation, with little or no informational content
beyond the solicitation, as well as other content that are not within
the scope and purpose guidelines of SERIALST (see:

If you have thoughts or feedback about the Commercial digest, or other
aspects of SERIALST, please let us hear from you.  Contact information
for the SERIALST moderators is at:

This week's digest contains 1 message:
1) Emerald speeds up publication with EarlyCite

Message 1:

Subject: Emerald speeds up publication with EarlyCite
From: "Janet Fisher" <>
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2008 12:31:40 -0400

Dear Serialist,

We thought your readers might be interested in this news from Emerald
Group Publishing.

Thank you,

Janet Fisher
Publishers Communication Group


Emerald speeds up publication with EarlyCite

Authors and users benefit from accurate and permanent citation of the
newest research

United Kingdom, 14 October 2008 - Emerald Group Publishing Limited today
launched Emerald EarlyCite, a new online pre-publication service
allowing quicker access to research. EarlyCite articles are fully
peer-reviewed and made available online before they undergo the full
sub-editing and page-proofing stages.

Each paper will be assigned to a journal issue and can therefore be
referenced. An asset for both authors and users, these papers are
available at least three months earlier than those following a
traditional publication process. Articles published in journals with
significant publication queues will be made available to readers by as
much as 12 months in advance.

In a joint statement, the Editors of the European Journal of Marketing,
Professor Gordon Greenley and Dr Nick Lee from Aston Business School,
Birmingham, UK, commented: "We are delighted with Emerald's adoption of
the EarlyCite system. This will enable us, as Editors, to bring articles
to our readership well in advance of the actual publication date. Given
that the European Journal of Marketing is highly ranked and very
popular, there is a high level of submissions and thus long lead time to
print for authors. The EarlyCite system means we can share important new
findings with our readership in a more timely fashion and enable our
authors to have their work cited in the literature well before the
article actually appears in print. In all ways this is therefore an
extremely valuable advance for the European Journal of Marketing and for

Niki Haunch, Head of Editorial at Emerald, explains further the benefits
of the system: "EarlyCite allows for accurate and permanent citation of
articles as the citation details will not change. This is what
differentiates it from other services."

Once the final copy of the article is ready for publication, it replaces
the EarlyCite version.

At present, 55 journals are expected to publish articles from
forthcoming issues through EarlyCite. The rest of the 200-strong Emerald
journal collection will be rolled out over the coming months.

Emerald EarlyCite is fully accessible to Emerald journal and database
subscribers. For more information about how EarlyCite can benefit both
authors and users, visit

- ends -

About Emerald

Established in 1967, Emerald Group Publishing Limited is the world's
leading publisher of management research.  In total, Emerald publishes
over 700 titles, comprising 200 journals, over 300 books and more than
200 book series as well as an extensive range of online products and
services.  Emerald is COUNTER-compliant, meeting the international code
of practice for reports that measure usage of online information
products and services consistently.

Emerald's publishing philosophy is "Research you can use", which means
that our content is both rigorous and relevant, connecting the academic
world with the world of management practice.
The Emerald online collection of journals, abstracts and resources,
Emerald Management Xtra, serves business schools and management
departments world-wide. For managers in corporate and public
organizations, Emerald Management First provides fast access to applied
research, ideas, insights and interviews from the world's best
management thinkers.

Arnaud Pellé
Corporate Communications Manager
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0)1274 777700