Re: managing online access to periodicals subscribed to in print Beth Johns 28 Oct 2008 16:45 UTC

Hi Charlotte,

If you can gain access via IP recognition, do it.  Many publishers allow this, but you'll need to work with them directly or through your subscription agent if you have one.  Then you can eliminate usernames & passwords for each title.  I'm assuming you have a proxy server of some sort to authenticate off campus users?

Secondly, our e-journals, including online access for print subscriptions, are incorporated into our e-journal A-Z list (we use ExLibrisgroup's product, as well as their link resolver, SFX).

Does this answer your question?  Feel free to send an e-mail to me if I need to explain further.


Beth M. Johns, MLIS
Electronic Resources Librarian
Direct: 1-989-964-2158
Saginaw Valley State University

>>> On 10/28/2008 at 12:24 pm, in message <>, Charlotte Gerstein <Charlotte.Gerstein@CASTLETON.EDU> wrote:

Greetings, SERIALST list folks,

I am a reference/instruction librarian and new to the list, so pardon me if this question reveals any ignorance about serials management issues, but I have a question I'm confident I can get help with here.

We are wondering if there is a simple or streamlined way to offer our users access to the online versions of periodicals we subscribe to in print.   These would be periodicals not included in any of our full-text databases, but to which our print subscription comes with electronic access.  Is there any way around creating a separate login for each journal?  What is the simplest way to offer access to our users?

Thank you very much for any help with this question!

Charlotte Gerstein
Reference & Instruction Librarian
Calvin Coolidge Library
Castleton State College
Castleton, VT  05735
(802) 468-6409