Deadline Extended: ER&L '09 Conference T-shirt Design Contest Elizabeth Winter 31 Oct 2008 20:07 UTC

Tired of conference t-shirt designs you have no say in?  Think you could do better?  Help us design the ER&L 2009 conference t-shirt!

This year, YOU have a chance to submit a design for potential ER&L attendees to vote on.

All entries must:
1. Be submitted by 5 pm EST on Friday, Nov. 7, 2008.
2. Be one- or two-color designs.
3. Include "ER&L 2009" somewhere in the design.
4. Be in .ai, .svg, or .jpg format.

Please note:
Fine details don't always translate well into screen printing.
Simpler designs are usually better.
T-shirts are being sponsored by EBSCO and will include the EBSCO logo in addition to the winner's design.
Voting will take place online the week of Nov. 3-7, 2008.
The winner will be decided by a vote on the ER&L blog.
Maximum of two entries per person.

Submit your design via email to Elizabeth Winter:

ER&L Conference information:

Elizabeth L. Winter
Electronic Resources Coordinator
Collection Acquisitions & Management
Library and Information Center
Georgia Institute of Technology
phone: 404.385.0593
fax: 404.894.1723