ERM software question Hoyte, Daniel 09 Oct 2008 21:15 UTC

Went through this process last year. We decided on reSearcher from SFU.
What drove the choice was the feature set balanced against our lack of
funds. We gave up overlap analysis in favor of some other features for
the public displays. Our second choice was GoldRush from Colorado
I have an Excel document that we used for comparison. It is incomplete
because we found out what we had to work with. That drove our choice. I
can make it available if you are interested.
For the time being, I am the primary keeper of the ERMS. I am rather
pleased with what we have, though I would like a better overlap tool.

Daniel Hoyte
Senior Systems Technician
Chapman University Leatherby Libraries
(714) 532-7745
AIM/Yahoo IM: chaphoyte

/(bb|[^b]{2})/ that is the Question

-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum [mailto:] On Behalf Of John Rasel
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2008 7:02 AM
Subject: [SERIALST] ERM software question

Hello folks,

I have been asked to evaluate a few of the Electronic resource
management tools currently on the market for potential use in our
library.  So far, I've looked at SerialsSolutions and their pile of 360
options, Ebsco's A-Z, and III's ERM.

What I would really like are the opinions of these products from any
users who subscribe to this listserv.  What is your overall impression
of the software?  Is there anything you wish it did but can't?  Were
there any problems after purchase (for example, were you unable to do
something with the product you were told you could?)  Are there any
features you absolutely love about them?

We would really love to be able to do are things like an overlap
analysis of our serials, whether they are in microform, print, or
electronically.  So far, Serials Solutions is the only one to claim that
such a feature is possible.

If those of you with ERM software would be willing, I would greatly
appreciate the opinions of those library workers who actually use these
tools, as opposed to taking the word of a vendor straightaway.

My thanks,


John T. Rasel
Graduate Programs Librarian
Capital University
1 College and Main

Columbus, OH  43209-2394
Phone: (614) 236-6352