[Fwd: Re: [SERIALST] JSTOR] Stephen Clark 21 Jan 2009 15:10 UTC

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: [SERIALST] JSTOR
Date: 	Wed, 21 Jan 2009 06:30:36 -0600
From: 	Jack Hall <jhall@uh.edu>
To: 	sdclar@wm.edu


We have had JSTOR for a number of years. We still have all the bound
volumes. It might not be our library's official reason for retaining
them, but I personally am pretty sure a major reason is to keep our
volume holdings high and not lose position among the other ARL libraries.

Several years ago stacks space was becoming crowded, so we moved the
volumes represented by JSTOR to remote storage. We chose a cut off
year and moved the volumes up to that year. We did offer to retrieve
print volumes on demand and put a message on our web site to that
effect, informing users how to request them. It was linked to every
print title, and the holdings message of each title was adjusted to
inform people that the volumes up to the chosen year were in remote
storage. We offered to retrieve them twice a week. As far as I know,
there were very few requests.

We had a building project and increased the stack space, so we moved
the volumes back to the main library, by which time we had some
compact shelving in the basement for them, and for other bound
journals, which will all be there soon.


>Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2009 16:51:26 -0500
>From: Stephen Clark <sdclar@WM.EDU>
>Sender: "SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum"
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>We have added our first JSTOR collection and I have a couple of
>questions.  I've noticed on my exchange listserv that JSTOR titles are offered.
>I would like to know if your library participates in JSTOR:
>1.  Do you retain your print titles that are availalbe in JSTOR?
>     a.  Why?
>     b.  Why not?
>Sandra Thomas
>Assistant Professor
>Serials/ILL Librarian
>Southeastern Oklahoma State University
>Henry G. Bennett Library
>1405 N. 4th PMB 4189
>Durant, OK 74701-0609
>(580) 745-2933

Jack Hall
Manager, Cataloging Services
114L University of Houston Libraries
Houston, TX  77204-2000
telephone:(713) 743-9687
e-mail: jhall@uh.edu
fax: (713) 743-9748