Re: JSTOR SUSAN BEIDLER 21 Jan 2009 13:29 UTC

At Lycoming College we made the decision to withdraw our print titles that are in JSTOR fairly early on.  As do many places, we have space issues and withdrawing the print volumes made a huge difference for us.  To make the ongoing management a bit less complicated, we decided to follow a 5-year retention for all titles that have the moving wall, rather than follow the 1, 2, or 3, year variations.

It works for us.

Sue Beidler
Snowden Library
Lycoming College
700 College Place
Williamsport PA 17701

phone: 570-321-4084
fax:      570 321-4090

>>> Stephen Clark <sdclar@WM.EDU> 1/20/2009 4:51 PM >>>
We have added our first JSTOR collection and I have a couple of questions.  I've noticed on my exchange listserv that JSTOR titles are offered.

I would like to know if your library participates in JSTOR:

1.  Do you retain your print titles that are availalbe in JSTOR?
     a.  Why?
     b.  Why not?


Sandra Thomas
Assistant Professor
Serials/ILL Librarian
Southeastern Oklahoma State University
Henry G. Bennett Library
1405 N. 4th PMB 4189
Durant, OK 74701-0609
(580) 745-2933