Re: Wiley-Blackwell Basic Access License Williams, Mary Welch 21 Jan 2009 14:53 UTC

We had to drop back to BAL from the expanded license due to budget cuts.
We understood that the BAL meant one concurrent user and confirmed with
Wiley that there was a 15-minute time out in place.  It's better than
We aren't concerned with course packs and walk-ins because of our

However, we're going to have to cut more titles this year and we've
tried to get usage numbers from all the publishers.  It's been fairly
routine except for Wiley; we've been getting the runaround - deluxe.
Because we no longer have an EAL license we've been referred to customer
service - in the UK.  My associate has been handling the search, so I
don't know all the details, but she's been at this better than a week
and she's getting stonewalled.  We've asked our vendor rep to help.

It appears that Wiley only extends customer service to EAL subscribers.


-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
[] On Behalf Of T Thompson
Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2009 1:03 PM
Subject: [SERIALST] Wiley-Blackwell Basic Access License


We have been reviewing the Basic Access License (BAL), a Click through
license, for the Blackwell titles that have moved to Wiley this year.
have had a few concerns, and I wanted to see if anyone else has
or thought about these issues.

The BAL has a jurisdiction clause that they have agreed to strike for us
we are a state institution, but they have not replied yet as to whether
will mean if we need a signed license and how we activate the titles
accepting the click-through license.  Also, the BAL states that one
concurrent user will be allowed per title.  Their website states that
will be unlimited concurrent users allowed for 2009.  This is a major
concern of ours as these titles are too expensive to pay for only one
concurrent user.  Also, the website states that there will be free
course-pack use and walk-in access and yet the BAL is silent on these
issues.  I have asked about the course-packs and walk-in access, but
have not answered those questions.  I have just asked about the
users, and I am waiting for a reply.

Please share your thoughts and experiences regarding these issues.


Tracey Thompson

Acquisitions Librarian

New Mexico State University Library

MSC 3475 P.O. Box 30006

Las Cruces, NM 88003-8006

(p) 575-646-8093

(f) 575-646-7477