Re: Claiming not worth it? (RE: [SERIALST] futile claiming) John Lucas 26 Jan 2009 16:06 UTC

Here is my $ .02.

We will continue to check in AND claiim the issues to which we have subscribed to.  It is somewhat easier now that library systems can send directly into our subscription agents computers those titles/issues we NEED to claim. Reviewing claims and reseting issues to new expected dates is now easy. We are the stewards of the money given to us to purchase journals and we should make all 'reasonable' efforts to obtain the issues we have paid for. Claiming print IS becoming less of an issue (bad pun) now that libraries are converting a significant portion of their collection to electronic only.

It is unfortunate that apparently many publishers of titles, both large and small, seem from our perspective to ignore or lose our claims, or probably do not have extra copies to send us but never tell us.  Some librarians may say that 'reasonable' can no longer include claiming because we must do more with less and as Rick Anderson has said

"...but if you do a rigorous cost/benefit analysis you may be surprised at how little benefit you end up getting from your
investment ..."

However I say, are we claiming issues for OUR benefit or for the benefit of our users?

Well that is it. Maybe I am 'old fashioned' but isn't that why we are here?

With Best Regards,

John Lucas

Serials Librarian
University of Mississippi Medical Center
2500 North State St
Jackson, MS 39216-4505

(PH) (601) 984-1277
(FAX)  (601) 815-4569

>>> Paula Sullenger <SULLEPA@AUBURN.EDU> 1/26/2009 8:30 AM >>>
Has anyone actually asked their auditors?  I assumed the same thing but
finally asked about check in and claiming.  They responded they didn't
think it was necessary to check in every single piece, just checking at
least once a year to make sure something was coming in would be enough.
Good faith efforts at claiming would do.

I don't think we'll stop checking in (most of it is done by students)
but I plan to revise our claiming procedures this year.

Paula Sullenger
Head, Acquisitions Dept.
RBD Library
231 Mell St.
Auburn University, AL 36849-5606

334-844-1725 phone
334-844-3148 fax

>>> Clement Lau <cclau@UBALT.EDU> 1/24/2009 6:03 PM >>>
Agree. Also, our campus procurement office would question such practice
as well.

Clement Chu-Sing Lau
Assistant Director for
Technical Services and Administration
University of Baltimore
School of Law Library
LC420A, 1415 Maryland Ave.
Baltimore, Maryland 21201
410-837-4592 (voice)
410-837-4656 (fax)

-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum on behalf of
Stephanie Hess
Sent: Fri 1/23/2009 5:10 PM
Subject: Re: [SERIALST] Claiming not worth it? (RE: [SERIALST] futile

Unfortunately our auditors would never permit that. :(

-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
[] On Behalf Of Rick Anderson
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009 4:23 PM
Subject: [SERIALST] Claiming not worth it? (RE: [SERIALST] futile

Those who are finding claiming to be frustrating may want to consider
doing away with routine claiming altogether.  I realize that sounds
crazy, but if you do a rigorous cost/benefit analysis you may be
surprised at how little benefit you end up getting from your
in the claiming process for most titles.

Just a thought.  (And one that some of you are probably surprised it
took me this long to share.)

Rick Anderson
Assoc. Dir. for Scholarly Resources & Collections
Marriott Library
University of Utah

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