Re: Claiming not worth it? (RE: [SERIALST] futile claiming) Amanda Yesilbas 26 Jan 2009 20:23 UTC

 I did a presentation at NASIG in 2006 about checking in electronic
journals.  The link can be found here :  Old is new Again: Using
Established Workflows to Handle Electronic Resources.  It is a little date,
but the point is the same.

What we did was create an access database that generated a daily report
of journals to be checked.  We used this to check availability of
electronic journals we had a subscription, not aggregated titles.  It
only came out to be aout 10-30 titles a day.  We checked that we had the
most current issue and checked full text availability.  We also took it
as an oppurtunity to check serial solution holdings.  Then it was noted
in the catalog.  It was a great record of access.  The screenshots show
that we had an ancient ILS at the time.  The database also served as our
homegrown erm.

I think if I were to do it again today I might use the prediction
patterns available in the new ILS or the trigger system to generate a
daily report of titles to check.  This would be used in conjunction with
and ERM to maintain payments records and other necessary information.

Amanda Yesilbas
Florida Center for Library Automation

Linda Wobbe wrote:
> Rick and others,
> Please help me understand the process, products, etc for check-in and
> claiming of electronic titles.  What do you use?  What other options
> are there?
> Thanks!
> Still wondering,
> Linda
> On Mon, 26 Jan 2009 09:57:08 -0700
>  Rick Anderson <rick.anderson@UTAH.EDU> wrote:
>> They never even asked.  If they had, we would have pointed out that
>> every argument in favor of check-in/claiming/etc. for print titles is an
>> even stronger argument for check-in/claiming/etc. of online titles
>> (which are much more numerous, often more expensive, and always more
>> heavily used).  We would then have pointed out that the size of our
>> staff forced us to make hard choices about which resources to manage
>> more carefully, and which to manage less so.
>> ---
>> Rick Anderson
>> Assoc. Dir. for Scholarly Resources & Collections
>> Marriott Library
>> University of Utah
>> 801-721-1687
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
>>> [] On Behalf Of John Lucas
>>> Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 9:11 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [SERIALST] Claiming not worth it? (RE: [SERIALST]
>>> futile claiming)
>>> Rick,
>>> When you were audited, did you tell them that you had ceased
>>> claiming?  and why you did so?
>>> With Best Regards,
>>> John Lucas
>>> Serials Librarian
>>> University of Mississippi Medical Center
>>> 2500 North State St
>>> Jackson, MS 39216-4505
>>> (PH) (601) 984-1277
>>> (FAX)  (601) 815-4569
>>> >>> Rick Anderson <rick.anderson@UTAH.EDU> 1/24/2009 3:58 PM >>>
>>> Don't be so sure -- we got audited at my last institution after we
>>> gave up routine claiming, and they never batted an eye. The value
>>> of  the material you're claiming is (usually) so low, and the
>>> opportunity  cost of claiming is so high, that really your auditors
>>> ought to be  objecting to traditional claiming practices.
>>> Rick Anderson
>>> On Jan 24, 2009, at 2:46 PM, "Stephanie Hess"
>>> <hesss@NSU.LAW.NOVA.EDU>  wrote:
>>> > Unfortunately our auditors would never permit that. :(
>>> >
>>> > -----Original Message-----
>>> > From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
>>> > [] On Behalf Of Rick Anderson
>>> > Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009 4:23 PM
>>> > To: SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU > Subject: [SERIALST] Claiming not worth
>>> it? (RE: [SERIALST] futile
>>> > claiming)
>>> >
>>> > Those who are finding claiming to be frustrating may want to consider
>>> > doing away with routine claiming altogether.  I realize that sounds
>>> > crazy, but if you do a rigorous cost/benefit analysis you may be
>>> > surprised at how little benefit you end up getting from your  >
>>> investment
>>> > in the claiming process for most titles.
>>> >
>>> > Just a thought.  (And one that some of you are probably surprised it
>>> > took me this long to share.)
>>> >
>>> > ---
>>> > Rick Anderson
>>> > Assoc. Dir. for Scholarly Resources & Collections
>>> > Marriott Library
>>> > University of Utah
>>> > > 801-721-1687
>>> Individuals who have received this information in error or are not
>>> authorized to receive it must promptly return or dispose of the
>>> information and notify the sender. Those individuals are hereby
>>> notified that they are strictly prohibited from reviewing,
>>> forwarding, printing, copying, distributing or using this
>>> information in any way.
> Linda Wobbe
> Head, Electronic Resources & Periodicals
> Saint Mary's College of California
> 1928 Saint Mary's Road; PO Box 4290
> Moraga, CA 94575-4290
> (925) 631-4232; (925) 631-4229
> (925) 376-6097 fax