Re: Journal of Emergency Nursing
John Lucas 29 Jan 2009 21:23 UTC
Hello All,
Possibly Elsevier has decided to start with January instead of Febrary as the initial issue?
Often, the information in the print journal (what is that information called by the way??) does not get changed until SOMETIME AFTER the new frequency, or other information ISSN etc. has appeared.
I checked the Elsevier Price list for 2009 and they show NO expanded issues (still bimonthly) and no other new information. As you have probably checked on, the ScienceDirect web page show a "Temporary ISSUE NOT AVAILABLE" I think that is Unusual for them as it seems to me that their issues almost always come out online before the print is sent out.
I can only think to wait and follow up in 2-4months and see what they do then.
Just my .005 cents worth [due to the economic downturn]
HAVE A GREAT DAY out there,
John Lucas
Serials Librarian
University of Mississippi Medical Center
2500 North State St
Jackson, MS 39216-4505
(PH) (601) 984-1277
(FAX) (601) 815-4569
>>> "M. Lou Nesson" <MLNesson@MASSASOIT.MASS.EDU> 1/29/2009 2:45 PM >>>
Has anyone noticed that Vol. 35 No. 1 is listed as January 2009 on the periodical cover when all past issues have been for Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec. Is this a publisher error or a change in sequencing?
M. Lou Nesson, MLIS
Coordinator of Electronic Resources & Periodicals
Massasoit Community College
508-588-9100 ext 1932
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