ALA Midwinter 2009 Program Announcement: ALCTS Continuing Resources Section College & Research Libraries IG Kemp, Rebecca 12 Jan 2009 16:08 UTC

*This message is cross-posted.*

Hello, all.  You are cordially invited to attend the following ALA midwinter program sponsored by the ALA ALCTS Continuing Resources Section College and Research Libraries Interest Group.

E-Journals All Around: in the Catalog, the Knowledgebase, and the Web

Time: Saturday Jan. 24th, 10:30am-12:00pm
Location: Sheraton Hotel, Gold

1. Peter McCracken (Co-founder & Director of Research, Serials Solutions): A KBART Update - Improving Patrons' Access to Electronic Resources.
The presentation will address the current status of the Knowledge Bases And Related Tools (KBART) project, with particular attention to how it will benefit publishers, librarians, and ultimately (and most importantly), library users. We will discuss what KBART has done in the past year, what effect we believe the initiative will have in the e-resources supply chain, what will be coming next, and what challenges remain.

2. Beth R. Bernhardt (Electronic Resources Librarian, University of North Carolina Greensboro): Dealing with Free E-Journals: Are they worth the effort?
The number of "free" electronic journals available on the internet continues to increase. This presentation will focus on answering questions such as how can we find these journals, should we make an effort to provide access for our patrons, and what is the potential cost for maintaining them?

3. Nicole E. Engard (Open Source Evangelist, LibLime): Serials Management in KOHA's open source library software.
The presentation will help you understand what open source is all about and show you how the Koha Open Source Automation system can not only handle your serials in the library catalog, but provide better services to our patrons.

4. Brief Business Meeting: New members are welcome!

Hope to see you there!

Britta and Rebecca

Britta Santamauro, Chair, CRS C&RL IG
Co-Director of Library Services
Chase Collegiate School
Waterbury, CT 06708

Rebecca Kemp, Co-Chair / Chair-elect, CRS C&RL IG
Serials Coordinator Librarian
UNC Wilmington
Wilmington, NC 28403