ALA ALCTS CCS Cataloging Norms Interest Group Midwinter Program Birdie MacLennan 13 Jan 2009 01:49 UTC

ALA ALCTS CCS Cataloging Norms Interest Group ALA Midwinter Program,
     Denver Saturday, January 24, 2009, 1:30-3:30 p.m.
     Colorado Convention Center, Room 703

Metadata Uses & Next Generation Cataloging, Standards & Quality

Preliminaries: Announcements & Introductions (5 minutes)

Part I: Metadata Uses

        Title: Metadata in ARL Libraries (20 minutes)
        Presenter:  Jin Ma, Catalog/Metadata Librarian, Newman Library,
     Baruch College, The City University of New York

       The presentation will assess the current metadata practices and
trends in ARL (Association of Research Libraries) libraries, based on
the survey "Metadata" conducted in spring 2007 (SPEC Kit 298:
Metadata), a collaborative effort with the staff at the Association of
Research Libraries.
       The speaker will give an overview of her findings of metadata
implementation in ARL member libraries: what kinds of
projects/initiatives have been undertaken, what types of digital
objects are associated with metadata, what schemas and tools are used
to create metadata, how to ensure metadata quality and
interoperability, who are creating metadata, what skills metadata
staff need and how they acquire those skills, and the organizational
changes and challenges resulting from the adoption of metadata.
       The speaker will discuss her observations of the findings and the
main themes emerged from the metadata practices in libraries. She will
also identify the roles and responsibilities of catalogers in metadata
implementation and the implications of metadata practices for the
cataloging divisions, technical services, and the libraries.

       Title: How to improve interoperability of Unique Metadata Fields
     for Special Collections (20 minutes)
     Presenters:  Myung-Ja Han, Metadata Librarian, University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Christine Cho, MSLIS, University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

       In recent years many libraries have created digital collections
derived from their special collections, rare book collections and
archives, in order to provide greater access to these hidden
resources. The items in these digital collections need unique metadata
fields that play an essential role in managing and describing 'special
resources,' and which provide rich contextual  information in native
environment. CONTENTdm, one of the most widely used digital resource
management tools, gives flexibility to its users to create and use
such unique field names. However when the metadata is exported through
OAI-PMH to service providers, these locally created field names are
mapped to simple Dublin Core elements that cannot fully describe what
the local elements originally intended to describe.
        Researchers analyzed 21 digital collections from 15 institutions
that are created with CONTENTdm to see what kind of unique fields are
used for special collections and how these fields are represented in
service providers' environments.
        This presentation will provide common characteristics of these
unique metadata fields for the special collections and best practices
for creating and mapping special collections metadata using CONTENTdm.

                  Questions/Discussion:  15 minutes
                  Break: 10 minutes

START TIME PART II:  2:30 p.m.
     Part II: Next Generation Cataloging, Standards and Quality (20 minutes)

     Title: FRBRizing Legacy Data: Issues and Challenges
     Presenters:  Yin Zhang, Associate Professor, School of Library and
Information Science, Kent State University; Athena Salaba, Assistant
Professor, School of Library and Information Science, Kent State

     In this presentation, we will report on and discuss the issues and
challenges we faced when applying the OCLC Workset Algorithm to
FRBRize the Library of Congress collection. The presentation will
cover (1) how existing MARC records were used to identify FRBR work
entities, (2) what issues and challenges the process involved, and (3)
what we did to address those issues and challenges.

     Title: Cataloging quality: problems and potential solutions (20 minutes)
     Presenter:  Magda El-Sherbini, Head of Cataloging, Ohio State
University Libraries

       Cataloging and providing bibliographic control has recently been the
center of several important discussions. Many of these discussions
seem to focus on the practical aspects of costs, staffing and training
of new staff. They also address the broader question of the  need to
follow cataloging standards.
       Libraries are raising the question of what services they should
provide to users and what role libraries can play in providing
bibliographic access without diminishing the value of the catalog.
       This presentation will contribute to this discussion by revisiting
the question of the cataloging standards, and offering alternative
approaches and ideas to cataloging. It will discuss innovative
staffing solutions that can reduce the cost of cataloging and help
overcome the problem of staffing and staff training.

     Questions/Discussion:  15 minutes/wrap up

      Adrienne A. Aluzzo                      Birdie MacLennan
      Metadata Librarian             Director, Resource Description & Analysis
      Wayne State University                  University of Vermont
      Work: (313) 577-6439                    Work:  (802) 656-2016
      E-mail:             E-mail:

         Co-Chairs ALCTS CCS Cataloging Norms Interest Group