Re: Call for reporters Sarah D. Tusa 14 Jan 2009 22:38 UTC

Hi, Kurt

I seem to be on your listserv.  I must warn you that I'm registered with
an "Exhibits Only" pass for ALA Midwinter, but I have signed up for a
session on WorldCat Collection Analysis, in case you'd like a write-up
on that.

Otherwise, let me know how I can help.  Will you be at the editorial
board meeting?

Sarah Tusa, Associate Professor
Coordinator of Collection Development & Acquisitions
Mary & John Gray Library, Lamar University
PO Box 10021
Beaumont, TX  77710-0021

Ph:   409/880-8125
Fax: 409/880-8225
-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
[] On Behalf Of kcblythe@EMAIL.UNC.EDU
Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 3:47 PM
Subject: [SERIALST] Call for reporters

I am seeking reporters to cover certain Midwinter sessions and meetings
for the Serials Spoken Here column in Serials Review.  Rest assured
that if you're on this listserv, then you'll be attending, generally
speaking, what I'm interested in having covered.  Know going in that I
require no word count and that your deadline, in this instance, will be
pretty easy-going.  Earn a byline performing a service for attendees
and non-attendees alike (of which I number among the latter this year,
unfortunately).  Interested parties should contact me at
column editor, Serials Review