E-Serials Holdings Info. Forum at ALA Midwinter Cecelia N. Boone 15 Jan 2009 01:54 UTC

You are cordially invited to attend an ALA Midwinter program sponsored by
the ALA ALCTS CRS Committee on Holdings Information.

Title:     Holdings Information Forum: E-serials Holdings: Whether, Why, and

Time:      Saturday Jan 24, 4-5:30 p.m.

Location:  Colorado Convention Center Room 301 (Denver)

Program Description: Unlike the print world, libraries are no longer the
sole suppliers of holdings data for electronic serials.  This forum will
examine this new reality and address such questions as:

.         Who has the data?

.         Who provides e-content coverage?

.         Who needs and uses the data?

.         How is the data exchanged?

.         In what format?

.         What are the format standards for electronic holdings data?

.         And, will a crosswalk between MARC21 and ONIX SOH (currently in
version 1.1) benefit the display of serials holdings information in local


Heather Staines (Springer US):  "The Many Facets of Metadata Exchange
Between Publishers and the Research Community, and the Role that A&I
Services and DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) Play in Providing Access to
Electronic Content."

Rebecca Gunther (LC) for Linda Miller (LC):  "ONIX for Serials: How it Can
Map to the MARC21 Holdings Format"

Peter McCracken (Co-founder and Director of Research, Serials Solutions):
"The Function and Role of Chronology and Enumeration Information in ERAMS
Tools, Such as A-to-Z Lists and Link Resolver Knowledgebases"

Myrtle Myers (OCLC): "OCLC eSerials Holdings and Beyond"