Re: Call for reporters Joe Becker 15 Jan 2009 17:15 UTC

Hi,, Kurt, I may be able to help, depending on the session. I have done
a couple similar items for the NASIG conf.

regards, Joe

Joe Becker
Head, Serials
George Mason University Libraries
703.993.2263 fax

kcblythe@EMAIL.UNC.EDU wrote:
> Colleagues,
> I am seeking reporters to cover certain Midwinter sessions and
> meetings for the Serials Spoken Here column in Serials Review.  Rest
> assured that if you're on this listserv, then you'll be attending,
> generally speaking, what I'm interested in having covered.  Know going
> in that I require no word count and that your deadline, in this
> instance, will be pretty easy-going.  Earn a byline performing a
> service for attendees and non-attendees alike (of which I number among
> the latter this year, unfortunately).  Interested parties should
> contact me at
> Regards,
> Kurt
> column editor, Serials Review